Description of Training and Services
FIRST STEPS - BEGINNING TRAINING FOR NEW ATTENDEES: This training is a one-time training session for first time attendees to attend without their dogs. Foundation training techniques for basic skills are demonstrated. After attending a First Steps session, you can then participate in General Obedience.
GENERAL OBEDIENCE TRAINING: This training is being offered to accommodate handlers' availability. It is for both puppies and dogs. Puppies can still earn the AKC STAR Puppy certificate in this group as long as six sessions are attended. Emphasis is on building a good relationship with your dog along with teaching attention and foundation skills necessary to have a well-mannered dog that walks loosely on leash and comes when called.
AKC STAR Puppy Training--6 sessions: Group Puppy training follows AKC's STAR Puppy program and is for pups up to 12 months of age. Emphasis is on building a bonding relationship of trust and respect with your pup. Teaches good attention skills enhancing the ability to learn. It is an incentive program to help dog owners and their puppies off to a good start.
Testing requirements can be viewed at
Advanced Training: Less structured. Handlers can work on individual goals and proof skills in a distracting environment. Good environment to prepare for competitions.
Intro to Rally Obedience: Rally is a fun activity that promotes a positive relationship between dog and handler. It helps the handler develop good handling skills and helps the dog to improve obedience all while having fun. A course with instructional signs is set up for the dog and handler to follow. Beginning courses are set up with simple signs as an introduction to this fun sport. More advanced signs for those that are ready.
*****Prerequisite: Dog must be able to give good attention to handler and be under control.
AKC Canine Good Citizen CGC prep training: A continuation of training to improve skills learned in general obedience training. Focuses on preparing the dog and handler for the AKC Canine Good Citizen.
Testing requirements can be viewed at
AKC Community Canine CGC-A: This training is for dogs that already have good skills and have passed the AKC CGC. The focus is to use those skills for some off leash training and to prepare you and your dog for the AKC Community Canine CGC-A. Testing requirements can be seen at
*****Prerequisites: Dog must be able to give attention to handler, walk on loose leash and have a solid recall. The CGC-A test will only apply to those that have previously passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC).
Leash Skills: Building a good working relationship with your dog through clear communication using proper leash handling skills, verbal timing as well as body and foot position. Prerequisites - must have good control over your dog with foundation obedience skills learned in General Obedience. No reactive dogs.
Therapy Dog Preparation Training: Introduces the dog and handler to requirements of a therapy dog team and helps to prepare them for the work by setting up scenarios that would be encountered during a therapy dog visit. To attend, all obedience must be in place. This training is scenarios only.
*****Prerequisite: Beginning Foundation Training and preapproval by trainer required. Handler must have good handling skills and a good relationship with their dog. The dog must be able to give good attention to the handler, have good obedience skills and be able to work on a loose leash and flat buckle collar or regular harness. A test will be offered through one of the therapy dog organizations at a later date and time after the completion of the training. There are many therapy dog organizations to obtain certification. The American Kennel Club lists the different organizations on their website with links to each organization.
Introduction to Scent Detection Training: A fun activity that allows the dog to use its natural ability of scenting and searching to locate and indicate on a specific scent.
*****Prerequisite: Handler must have good control over the dog.
FLYBALL - Prerequisites must have good control of dog with a good recall. No reactive dogs. This will be offered to recent and current clients. Limited number of slots. Will be posted on the schedule when location, dates and times are confirmed.
Synchronized Obedience - Drill Team: This is for those wanting to practice with other dog teams, moving in unform motion. Each move is taught thoughtfully with the goal of coordinated and identical moves. Very structured training. Think of the “wave” at sporting events, synchronized swimming, the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, or the best example, the Golden Retriever Display Team at Crufts. Offered on occasion when enough interest and to those with good basic skills.
Group Walk: The goal is for the dog and handler to enjoy a pleasurable walk outside in a group with other dogs and handlers while also practicing skills in environmental challenges. Offered to clients only and approval of the trainer.
**No reactive dogs. Rain or shine so bring a raincoat if needed. It will be cancelled if there are T-storms.
Marker Training: also known as clicker training, is a form of positive reinforcement that marks and rewards the dog for doing the correct behavior. It is an effective form of communication to teach a dog a new skill.
Engagement Games for Dog/Puppies: Getting your dog to engage with you is foundation to your training. It helps the dog to build focus and attention to you. It connects with the dog's mind while also being fun for the dog.
Recall Training: Being able to recall your dog to you is a matter of safety. Practice fun recall exercises to teach your dog to willingly leave whatever has the dog's interest and come to you when asked.
Platform Playtime: Fun exercises and games incorporating the platform.
****Prerequisite: Dog must be familiar with the platform
Speedy Sits and Downs: Fun, engaging exercises then elicit a quick response.
*****Prerequisite: Dog and handler must have attended foundation training exercises.
Loose Leash Games: Games that the dog finds fun to encourage responsibility and desire on the dog to keep the leash loose, no pulling. Prerequisites - must have good control over your dog with foundation skills learned in General Obedience sessions. Very helpful if you have taken the Leash Skills training. No reactive dogs.
Private Sessions: Prepayment required to schedule a time. Any cancellation must be 48 hours prior to the scheduled time to reschedule another time. Any short notice cancelations or no shows forfeit payment.